A friend of mine did this and challenged me to do it also. Check out mine, then check out Mik, and then let’s hear yours!

Besides the obvious – books, books, and more books – you should see my book shelves (and what’s under the bed, in the attic, in the storage room…) – here are other things that make me smile:

1. October mornings – when the colors seem to be so bright and clear outside. The sky a vivid blue, the trees still green, the air just a little bit crisper. It feels like a new beginning to me.

2. A day off in the middle of the week – with no errands to run and no one home but moi and the dog. And sometimes I send her to the groomer. Hmmm, all alone. Even better if it is an October day.

3. Coffee from Starbucks – there is no other. Well, except maybe a cup of chicory coffee at Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans with a plate of beinets.

4. Storms – to see the dark clouds roll in and hear and feel the thunder makes me feel alive.

5. Phone calls/emails from a friend – whether they are in a good mood or bad, it honors me to know they want to talk or be with me.

6. American Idol – I have no clue why I get so hooked on that show. But I love it.

7. Bubble baths – escape with a good book, candles, glass of wine or diet coke; I could stay until all pruny.

8. Halloween – my favorite holiday. The weather, the festivities, the decorations… and you don’t have to spend all day cooking.

9. Movies – love all kinds. Include popcorn and diet coke – another escapism for me. And sometimes a really good one inspires me to write.

10. Gummy bears – go figure. But only a certain kind.

Oh, yeah, did I mention books?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 17th, 2005 at 10:17 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

8 Responses to “Top Ten Things I Love!”

Mik Says:

Great list! I love October mornings too. October is my favorite month of the year, I think. :thumbsup:

Colin Says:

Hey there! I found you through http://inkinmycoffee.blogspot.com and I enjoyed your blog. But while reading it I got the distinct impression we have already met – so to speak. Aren’t we in the same writing group?!?

Please put me out my confusion. I’m going to link to you too, if that’s okay? Keep up the good work!

Devon Ellington Says:

Cafe Du Monde
Cafe Du Monde
Cafe du Monde . . . .:banana:

Sandy Says:

Mik, let’s plan a Starbucks morning one day in October. We can talk writing, books, coffee, and…writing, books, and coffee! :coffee:

Colin, I don’t belong to many writing groups outside of RWA, but I think I commented on your blog long time ago. So nice to have you here and meet you. Would love to link you! We may not have the same writers group, but we are both Libras! Great blog and website, BTW!

Devon, it’s been quite awhile since I have been there, but there is nothing like it. One of my favorite haunts when I do get to go.

Suzanne Says:

I love your list–especially October mornings!!! In hot August, that sounds so good………

Mik Says:

RE: getting together on an October morn at Starbucks – I AM SO THERE

Jos Borden Says:

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Weatherburn Archer Says:

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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